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Site: Moocat.net Development Details   Potlikker News
Moocat.net (thumbnail)
Example for reference only.



  • Conceived, designed and coded entire site
  • Implemented DHTML pop-up menus from open-source code
  • Built site using PHP and dynamic #includes
  • Entire site is served via a single template
  • Implemented site search function from free search provider
  • Implemented e-commerce "donation" function to help pay for web hosting
  • Digitally re-mastered, and created multiple formats for sound files
  • Implemented CGI form for submission of creative materials
  • Used combination of PHP and DHTML to display a flag and dynamic text when appropriate to an article
  • Created and implemented random page-serving function

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April 2014

Potlikker Has Retired

As of the end of January 2014, Potlikker is no longer in business. It was a one-person consultancy, and, after a year as a full-time employee of a great little high-tech company, I felt it was time to close the doors of my little consulting shop.

Thank you for your interest.

Q. What's with the name, Potlikker?
  Site development by Potlikker.com