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About This Site Code Snippets   Potlikker News

This site is built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP (now compliant with v. 7.4). It is structured to render through a single template with content in three columns being controlled based on dynamic include files called via variable in the URL query string. I've found this approach an efficient way to streamline the development and display of lower traffic sites.

You'll not see the first snippet, server-side code, if you "View Source" for this web page, because this code is exectued on the server, not on your computer, but if you could, you'd see:

$c1_title = "About This Site";
$c2_title = "Code Snippets";

$c1_content = "inc/c1_about.txt";
$c2_content = "inc/c2_about.txt";

$page_specific = "li {style:disc;}";




And here is a snippet of client-side code, which you can see if you do a "View Source" on your browser":
function changeImages() {
if (document.images) {
for (var i=0; i changeImages.arguments.length; i+=2) {
= eval(changeImages.arguments[i+1] + ".src");

// -->
<style type="text/css">
a:link {color:Blue; text-decoration: none;}
a:hover {color:#1A8BF4; text-decoration: underline;}
a:visited {color: #1A8BF4; text-decoration: none;}

Such code may look familiar to most Web developers, but of course, they're not the target audience for this site! This is the kind of work I can do for you while you're busy handling bigger picture tasks.

April 2014

Potlikker Has Retired

As of the end of January 2014, Potlikker is no longer in business. It was a one-person consultancy, and, after a year as a full-time employee of a great little high-tech company, I felt it was time to close the doors of my little consulting shop.

Thank you for your interest.

Q. What's with the name, Potlikker?
  Site development by Potlikker.com